Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Seeing God in ...

Isn't that the key?
Isn't that the only way to find meaning in the madness?
Isn't it the sweetest way to smother the moments between waking and sleeping?
To "see God".

It's become a sort of dance for me. A waltz. My eyes and ears take in what is around them as my feet move and my heart "sees". I've come to realize that I'm a bit of an odd bird really. So much of what is happening in front of me --- I totally miss. Those who live with me know it to be true. They can be talking to me, and know that I am just not there for a few moments. Frustrating yes. To them and to me actually. It's something I consciously try and manage --- to stay focused on what is necessary but still not miss the treasure that is exposing itself in the quiet corners of life.

For quite some time I allowed the frustration to overwhelm me. I wanted to be "present" fully for the conversation. And I would become so upset with myself when I realized I had trailed off on this "waltz" with God. But over the past months, I've come to accept it as a way I am being grown and trained. To love deeply, care intensely, attend to the details that matter, but not get engrossed in the whirl of words. After all - it's most important that I have a space open on my card for the waltz God might invite me to join Him on.

Here's an example. When I'm walking in the woods, I see God and hear His lessons to me in the trees. Their shape, leaves, bark, roots, proportion to one another, proximity to each other, even in the placement of where they will spend their life. It may seem nonsensical but it truly is not. For in all the details of the wordless tree, I can see and understand so many truths from God.
There is a lovely book in my head ----- all about the trees ----- and what God whispers to us in their silence. I've learned so much from the trees; their whispers say the same things to me as God's Word does each morning.
"Be still and know..." (a tree is a master at "being still" and when you look at it -- you know --- it knows something that can not be conveyed in words)
"I am the vine, my Father is the Gardener..."
"Love the Lord your God will all your heart, all your soul, all your strength..."
"God made the earth by His power; founded the world by His wisdom; stretched out the heavens by His understanding..."
"...they stayed continually at the temple, praising God..."

(ever noticed how trees perpetually "praise God" with their limbs always raised high reaching for the Heavens...) I can learn much from God's trees.

In the waltz, I realize, God's profound patience. He is the beautiful Teacher. He repeats Himself over and over to me, and to you. He will send us His truths in the Bible, He will send us the same truths in the world around us too. Yes, God can, speak HIS truths even in the midst of this fallen world we live in.

The child that smiles sweetly as they pass by us on the street, the bird that sings loudly from the high branch of the tree, the sun that rises without fail each day, the mystery of the beating heart and breathing lungs. The vastness of the ocean and its rhythmic tides. God is speaking.
God wants to be seen.
God is constantly inviting us to know Him.

We simply must separate ourselves from the maddening activity ----- and waltz -- with HIM.

This year, I plan to dance more ------ and talk less.
May my dance card --- and yours ---- have open spaces in it ---- everyday.
We might just get asked ---- to dance.

"The LORD looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God." Psalm 14:2
"God looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God." Psalm 53:2

"Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!" Psalm 66:5

(photo taken by Margaret Njoki, a precious child in Kenya as she walked with Steve - it's of a pathway between widows homes at the base of the Aberdare mountains) 

©2011 Donna Taylor/Reaching for the Robe

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your perspective here, about the waltz, about the trees. Never thought about the trees that way, although I know I've been invited to the dance with Him. Sounds like you are on a perpetual God Hunt, love it! You have to listen to Dance with the King by Beckah Shae (try pandora.com or itunes)and you might love Ken Gire's book The Divine Embrace (i'll loan it to you if you'd like). Thanks for posting your heart, it touches mine!
