It says... “All humanity finds
shelter in the shadow of your wings.” Right there in front of my
eyes, David said it, wrote it down, in another age, so long ago. But
the words still speak into today. The Creator cares about and offers
shelter to all humanity, and not just in a mansion on a secluded
hillside, but also in a shack in the bowels of humanity. The Word
says all humanity finds shelter in the shadow of His wings. And the
shadow of His wing is found right up under His shoulder, up close,
b-e-s-i-d-e Him.
Oh the places He can be found...
“Come pray for a little girl please,
she is very sick, and she needs many prayers...”
Those words carried our feet on the
packed-earth pathway that weaves between mud slathered walls holding
up rusty roofs, with a tangle of twine tied from this one to that one
holding dripping dry laundry washed in muddy waters from the stream
at the bottom of the hill. Those tight, closed in places where living
souls are trying to breathe and live in the midst of stagnant air
and... too much evil. We walk quickly, as no good would come from
pausing beside the overly friendly men sitting beside the bowl of
fresh cooked brew. Here, you walk with purpose, with intent.
We arrive at the doorway and step
inside, leaving the bright light of day and entering into darkness.
Eyes must be given time to adjust, if i
don't give them time, i'll stumble in the darkness...
As eyes adjust, so does my soul. An
adjusting soul doesn't need time as much as it needs the whispering
of prayers. God's Word tells us to “Guard our hearts above all
else, for everything you do flows from it.” -Proverbs 4:23
So when entering “dark places”, it
is right to be diligent to put a guard over our hearts.
Prayers are right when we step from
light to dark.
Some might say --- we shouldn't go
there --- we should protect ourselves best by not going to the dark
But my soul has heard His voice speak
clearly in my heart --- why have you been given such a great Light if
you are not willing to carry it into the darkness?...?...?
Two steps from the blue sky canopy, the
rusty tin holds many shadows. But the sounds inside the tiny hut are
sweet. A mama speaking softly in Swahili and a child making childlike
sounds and my eyes adjust. And slowly by slowly i begin to see.
Within the four-wall room that is their home, a mother holds her five
year old daughter. The treasure in her arms wears not a stitch of
clothing but the mother holds her close ---- you can feel the love in
the room. Her daughter's head is dramatically dis-proportionate to
her body, the little girl's head is larger than her own mother's. She
struggles to hold it up, but she works hard to do so because she has
a smile to share --- and her smile ---- is a carrier of intense
This naked child suffering from an
accumulation of fluid on her brain (hydrocephalus), is a giver of
joy... and the story told by her mother's eyes needs no language of
the ear... this child is loved.
In this slum area tucked in Africa
where much is needed... my senses focus in on one thing ---- love.
My human eyes go to war with my heart
--- because my eyes want to shoot arrows of “this is SO WRONG” --
but my heart rests in an other-worldly place ---- responding to my
humanness by whispering solidly ---- she is loved ---- she is loved
---- she is loved ---- she smiles with joy ---- she knows what it is
to be deeply loved ---- look at her mother's eyes ----- she is dearly
One of the things i have learned here
in Kenya is that a child with a birth defect is rarely abused by
those who do evil things (molesters, abusers, rapist, etc.) because
they are “afraid” of catching the “curse” they believe she
carries. They usually will not even touch the child.
So this treasured one, is not molested
by wicked hands. And that is a great merciful blanket that surrounds
her unclothed shoulders.
Her mother holds her as we talk, a
translator helps me understand what the mother shares. Little Mary is
her third child, two others are older. Mary's father is a good man
who sells fruit and vegetables in town to provide for his family. The
mother gathers wood in the nearby forest, she then sells to her
elderly neighbors. She says of her husband, “He is a good man...”
Those are golden words to hear from the mouth of a woman in a slum in
Africa, few women can speak those words in these places.
Time slows down...
In a world that struggles with the rush
of busy, here, in these moments, it slows down.
Time slows down for little ones like
Mary and the kind mother who holds her.
The outside world is shut off from
these places. No electricity lines in these alleyways, no television
shows invade here, no internet, no emails, no social media presenting
its fabricated appearances. Life is raw and basic ---- food and
shelter and water take priority --- there is little time for other
things chased after by the masses who live beyond the horizon.
We've been asked to come and pray.
We've not been asked to come and fix... or change... or “do”.
We've been asked to p-r-a-y.
Again – the priority is solid and
This mother does not know what is wrong
with her much-loved child. But she DOES KNOW that praying for her
beautiful daughter is what is needed. Prayer... simple, earnest,
heart-felt prayer.
We pray...
And little Mary rolls her head from
side to side. But as i pray, she blesses me with rays of JOY as she
works hard to hold her head steady long enough to be sure i
see-her-smile-of joy. It's all she has to give............ and she
works hard to give it ............. and i know.......... Jesus is
The mother wiped eyes that grew wet as
we called out to the One she knows loves her daughter too.
Simple faith --- in a far from perfect
Pure love --- in a hard and dirty
Complete joy --- in a child's eyes who
knows nothing beyond the place where she lives.
...and i'm amazed beyond belief at the
magnitude of the wave that rolls through me.
As i leave their hut, i try and help
the two dear friends who are with me in their processing of what they
just saw and how they are internally responding to it. We usually
respond internally before we take action externally (we should), so
healthy internal processing can lead to better external
thoughts/actions. I know they are stunned – shocked --- overwhelmed
perhaps (likely).
Less than a week prior they were doing
life in America --- today they met “life” in a completely
different setting. Every sense is challenged and all those questions
impact the heart before dripping down into the soul. And the
processing of it is an important step, for the soul to be impacted in
God-honoring ways.
The enemy of our souls is ever watchful
and eager to make us view things in distorted ways. He's always
looking to make God appear a liar (that hasn't changed since Gen. 3:
So as my guests and i walked and
talked, i encouraged them to try and “see” little Mary's world
from her eyes. She is l-o-v-e-d. She is cared for by the tender,
gentle hands of a mother and father --- that is rare in this world.
She is fed, and held, and washed, and safe. She actually has more joy
and contentment that many children who live in fine places.
We look at her and see neediness -----
And we must be careful. We must seek
God diligently before we let her see “our” eyes and impose on her
a look of pity. Pity would be a mystery to her. For she lives wrapped
in joy and love.
Oh it's a hard moment indeed.
But it's part of the “i must decrease
and HE must increase” that's found in John 3:30.
We must learn that our Abba does great
things in hard places... He doesn't have to have polished, pretty,
well-decorated rooms to work His great miracles.
And in this world ------- isn't the
presence of complete joy and love ---- a miracle?
Our minds might want to demand that
healing would be the right miracle... but would we overlook the
miracle of joy and love in the midst of sickness?
I've learned many hard lessons living
so far from all that was familiar and comfortable.
I've sat long and silently (imagine
that miracle in itself:) -- and looked up.
And i've embraced the suffering that
happened at the Cross – where the blood of the Innocent One flowed
down on the souls of the guilty masses – and the miracle of
salvation was birthed through unimaginable pain.
And i've learned... that my Abba can
work so beautifully in places where we weaker ones shrink back. He's
not afraid of suffering. He's not afraid of pain. He knows exactly
what to do with it. He works miracles in the places we hesitate to
So in the processing with my dear
guests, i asked them, “do you think we should immediately cast a
net to the many who love us and love God – and raise funds to have
a needed surgery to place a shunt in little Mary's body? Do you think
the risk of invading her body through surgery done here (not in
America, but here, where surgery here looks very different) and with
recovery time required, in the place she lives now – do you think
that is for sure the right thing for her? Do you think we should
“rescue” her from her home, the only place she has ever known,
and bring her into our home, for a safe recovery --- where her mother
and father will not be able to be beside her... because they will
have to remain in their hut so squatters don't take it from them? And
what do you think will happen to her little heart, her mind, her soul
--- if she endures the surgery, recovers in our home, then goes back
to her home w-o-n-d-e-r-i-n-g ---- why? Why is her home so different,
why does water not flow threw a pipe, why does light not hang from
the ceiling, why...why...why? And in those moments do we really think
the enemy of her soul will miss the chance to drain her of the
valueable love and joy she now glimmers with?
She will always need follow up
She will always need a clean place to
She will always need good medical
For her to live long --- she will need
these things.
But i've learned another hard lesson
Life is valuable, this i learned many
years ago as a child. But living long is not the most important thing
about life. The value of life is found in the way it is lived. What
we do with it, how we share it, if we love others with it...
Do you know anyone who lives their life
for themselves? What they want? How they can get what they want? Who
they can use to get what they want? Distracted... from the needs of
others because of the many distractions they surround themselves
Are they living well?
But it might possibly look like they
are, if we just view the “outside” of them.
If we just look at the outside of
little Mary's life, we could wrongly judge it and say, she needs to
be rescued from the one room shack in the middle of a slum...
But if we pause long enough to feel the
joy-of-the-Lord in the radiance of her smile --- we can more
accurately see the good LIFE in her. Perhaps she was placed exactly
where she is, by the hand of a God ---- who because of His great love
--- also placed His Son on the cross.
Abba can work miracles in desperately
hard places.
And we can feel the intense weakness of
ourselves in those same hard places.
Doesn't He remind in His word --- that
“in our weakness, He is strong”.
I asked my young visitors to let God
guide them carefully as they processed little Mary's situation. Not
to view it through “American”, “Western-world”,
“save-the-world” thinking. But instead to allow themselves to
face their helplessness and in that moment choose to see God's
able-ness to do all that is needed regarding His precious little
Mary. Then ---- in those moments --- in closet-prayer-with-Him ---
ask Him if HE would have them do anything according to His good plans
for her.
I did the same. I prayed fervently in
the same way.
Oh it can feel so wrong to not jump in
with everything we've got --- thinking, “this is wrong and i must
do something...”
But in the quietness of “being still
and knowing that HE IS GOD” --- peace flows strong to trust Him and
believe, He knows what He is doing and i----- do-------not.
Perhaps you're reading these words (if
you've made it this far) ---- and you might be thinking --- this
woman is a nut! I'll laugh with you there and say, i might just be.
But all i can do is learn what my Abba
is teaching me --- and trust what He is doing ---- and when He says
jump in --- may my feet clear the ground at “j”.
But when He says, h-o-l-d steady ---
i'm doing a work that doesn't need your hands ---- may i sit still
and pray.
It's a part of “He must increase...”
The hard truth is this...
Precious smiling Mary will likely not
live to the fullness of 80 years. She will most likely succumb to an
illness sooner rather than later. But the life she is living right
now in the little hut of her mother and father who love and care for
her --- is rich.
She sparkles with joy. She rests in
love. She is content with the sounds of her mother and father around
her. She brings Light into a dark place. She proves, things do not
have to be perfect in order for them to be good. She preaches the
good words ---- “under His wing, refuge is found”.
And His wing is not limited in where it
can reach.
Mary will someday leave this earth ---
just as we all will.
But i am most certain of this one thing
---- when her little brown feet step into her Maker's Heaven, her
head will not falter when that sparkling crown is placed on it. And
she will not need help when she lifts it from her normal-sized brow
and places it at the feet of the One she is well acquainted with. And
her days here may be shortened only to allow them to be increased in
a land where there is no suffering, where the lion lays beside the
lamb, and no disease or sickness is found.
Guide us Lord ---- help us Father -----
to see things more with Your eyes
and realize how very needy we ALL are
for more of You
and Your ways.
And Lord --- thank you for the JOY you
have placed inside of little Mary. Help her Lord to shine Your love
in a dark place. Bless her momma and daddy, give them all they need,
fill their hut with your greatness, and if you choose to ask us to
action on your behalf regarding Mary, we are most willing. We trust
You and what You are doing --- more than we trust ourselves and what
we would do. So you guide ---- and we will follow.
Oh Lord --- thank you for being God.
Thank you for little Mary.
And thank you for little Joseph ---
that precious little baby you put in front of me just four days ago.
With his ulcered skin sores and whimpering attempts to scratch them
Thank you that with him you whispered
so surely, this one... this one... get him the help he needs. And now
already, the meds are working and he is being healed.
Oh the places You are found...
“God will never forget the needy; the
hope of the afflicted will never perish.” Psalm 9:18